ProjectsHere we present some of our projects like Europruning in Germany, Spain and France as well as DeltAdapt in Vietnam. more...
ClientsWe contract with local and federal authorities, water providers, industry and science. Our partners take advantage of our services in many countries. Have a look at our clients and partners until today. more...
Others about usFind out more about our partners and projects in their own words. more...
Patent specificationOur method for the monitoring of contaminant and nutrient leaching in soils is unique, powerful and cost effective. The so called Self-Integrating Accumulators (SIA) have been developed, tested and patented by Dr. Wolf-Anno Bischoff. The method was submitted in 1997 and approved in 2003 (see patent specification).
Publication listNext to our consultancy work we keep in close contact with the scientific community. Find out more about our publications and conference proceedings. more...
ConferencesWe regularly participate at (scientific) conferences and trainings. Therefore, we stay up-to-date and can keep an intense contact with scienists on the one hand and engineers and farmers at the other hand. Our clients in science and in practice can profit by this knowledge. more...
Oral and Poster PresentationsWe present our project results to very different target audiences (scientists, engineers, farmers,...) at specific conferences. more...
Diploma, Bachelor and Master ThesesSome interesting issues come up from our consultancy work, which are well suited as Diploma, Bachelor or Master theses. Due to our close contacts with the scientific community we can provide opportunities for motivated students to supervise and coach them. more...