Water IndustryWater distribution companies are our main contractors. We evaluate problems in natural water resources all over the world. Our speciality is the Soil - Groundwater - Well pathway. We provide to the point investigation schemes, which solve the problems of our clients and elucidate the sources, pathways and transformations of a wide range of chemical substances. more...
IndustryIndustry can rely on our expertise to evaluate abandoned or contaminated sites. We combine knowledge on the behaviour of relevant chemical substances with expertise on proper sampling schemes and reliable certified contracting laboratories. more...
AgricultureFarmers are the first under suspicion when it comes to diffuse pollution in surface and groundwater. We give advice on how to deal with allegations. more...
ScienceScientists all over the world cooperate with us. They apply for funding including our knowledge and techniques on field and laboratory experiments. They contract us to conduct the soil or hydrological parts of their field experiments. more...